Dual Diagnosis in Grapevine, TX

At our clinic for dual diagnosis in Grapevine, we often tell our clients about the many celebrities who have been in the news for a dual-diagnosis -- a condition where they suffer from an addiction and a mental disorder, both at the same time.

Robin Williams struggled with cocaine and alcohol addictions, and was believed to suffer from bipolar disorder. Robbie Williams, the singer, is on record connecting his ecstasy habit to his depression.

Lindsay Lohan has often been reported to struggle with Adderall and narcotics habits, and with narcissistic personality disorder. Mel Gibson has been speculated as suffering from both alcohol addiction and bipolar disorder.

It isn't by some coincidence that all these celebrities have turned out to suffer from dual diagnosis conditions. The truth is, a mental health comorbidity is found among 70% those addicted. It's important to understand how common it is.

If you struggle with addiction, chances are overwhelming that you have a mental health disorder as well, diagnosed or otherwise. It is something that you should think about.

If you are addicted, it's important to choose a rehab like our clinic for dual diagnosis in Grapevine that specializes in such care. You should do this even if you aren't aware that you suffer from a dual diagnosis condition, simply to err on the side of caution.

Integrated Care Is Most Effective

Not many rehab centers offer dual diagnosis care; among the ones that do, often, most offer obsolete plans such as parallel or sequential dual diagnosis care. Only the rare destination like our clinic for dual diagnosis in Grapevine offers integrated dual diagnosis care, an approach that is in line with current scientific treatment guidelines.

It's important to know that our drug rehab in Grapevine offers expertise in this particular approach to dual diagnosis care.

In both parallel and sequential dual diagnosis care, the plan is to merely offer both psychiatric treatment and addiction treatment at the same facility. These programs do not have their specialists in psychiatry and addiction working together to create integrated treatment plans; they work separately.

This can work out poorly in many ways. For instance, since psychiatric care and addiction care are offered separately, accountability for failure of treatment at any point can be hard to assign to one or another professional.

In integrated care, treatment at every stage involves both addiction professionals and psychiatrists consulting with one another, forming treatment plans together.

Apart from benefits in the area of accountability, integrated care can work out very well in cases where initial diagnosis is a challenge. In other forms of care, a challenging diagnosis with confusing symptoms is either dropped altogether, or is incorrectly diagnosed. Diagnosis and treatment tend to be much easier when the two work together, as they do in integrated care.

Not every dual diagnosis treatment center possesses expertise in every combination of addiction and mental disorder. While mental disorders can be hard to accurately diagnose prior to treatment, it's possible to narrow a diagnosis down to two or three conditions. Ensuring that a center does possess expertise in the specific combination that you suffer from can help.

Choose Inpatient Treatment When Possible

Dual diagnosis rehab can be complicated. When a person suffers from a mental disorder, it can be particularly hard to follow instructions or descriptions, or to stay sober.

It can take a safe, drug-free environment to ensure compliance with instructions. Inpatient care provides these benefits. Emotional support by care-giving staff trained in treatment for dual diagnosis is another useful benefit.

Ensure Rehab Offers Personalized Treatment

When cookie-cutter treatment plans are applied to all patients, it simply doesn't work. It's important to ask before you sign up to rehab, about the level of personalization offered. Our rehab attaches a great deal of importance to developing detailed, personalized treatment programs in Grapevine to the specific needs of each patient.

Finally, while a dual diagnosis certainly is a difficult condition to battle, the right kind of treatment usually does results in improved long-term sobriety rates than cases involving addiction alone. People who suffer from dual diagnosis conditions tend to be more concerned about getting better, and simply pay more attention to doing it right. There is reason for hope, then.

If you'd like to speak to an expert, you should call us at our clinic for dual diagnosis in Grapevine (877) 804-1531.

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